It is the mission of the Service Ministries to provide technical support to its division through training and personal consultation. The Service Ministries will cooperatively seek ways to improve interpersonal and intrapersonal relationship; encourage disciples to become members of its different ministries.
AUDIO-VISUAL (MULTIMEDIA) MINISTRY– The Audio Visual Support provide technical support to the church for all services and special functions. We will provide audio and video tapes to disciples who may be sick/shut in; and make tapes of services to disciples who may want to purchase a copy of a particular worship service.
CHILDREN’S CHURCH (Ages 5-10) & EARLY CHILDHOOD LEARNING (ages 2-4) – Available 1st, 2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays @ 11:00 am service. Train up a child in the way he should go…Prov 22:6 Volunteer opportunities currently available-Audrey M. Carter Ministry Chairperson (call Zion @ 410-837-4181)
CHRISTIANS ON PATROL -The COP-Z of Zion Baptist Church will ensure the safety of our disciples while going to and from various church services/activities whether on church premises or at visiting locations. We will also witness to individuals in the community that we encounter in the pursuit of our mission.
COUPLES – The Ministry consists of married couples, engaged couples, and couples that are in meaningful relationships leading to marriage.
COURTESY GUILD – The purpose of the Courtesy Guild is to officially greet and welcome the visitors to Zion Baptist Church.
CREATIVE ARTS – To use the media of drama and/or interpretive dance to spread the gospel and minister to the spiritual needs of disciples and
FLOWER CIRCLE – The purpose of this ministry is to follow God’s word and serve in whatever way the Lord guides us. We will offer aid, comfort, and love to others not only in times of grief and sorrow but in times of joy as well.
HEALTH (NURSES) – The church nurse may be called upon to provide a variety of services for the congregation relating to their health. We will be a vital force in the delivery of health programs and services to the church disciples and to the surrounding community.
LADIES AIDE – The Ladies Aide Ministry is helping our brothers and sisters in Christ by
providing spiritual and physical support.
MUSIC – The Music Ministry accept God’s appointment in our lives to use the gift of music to praise and adore Him for who He is and what He has done in our lives.
(Children’s Choir – Contemporary/Youth Choir – Men’s Choir – Praise & Worship – Voices of Zion)
PASTOR’S ASSISTANTS – The Pastor’s Support Ministry will minister to the needs of the Pastor and his family.
PROFESSIONAL COUNSELORS – To provide a ministry in which persons experiencing mental and/or emotional distress can receive encouragement, guidance, support and exploration of self in a trusting relationship with a professional counselor incorporating Christian principles.
SILVER/GOLDEN AGE – This is a support ministry for seniors. We encourage participation in the activities of church and community and provide comfort to sick and shut-in disciples of Zion. (Silver – 55 to 75 years old Golden – 76 and older)
SINGLES\SINGLE AGAIN – This Ministry will commit us to participate in exploring
disciplines in being single. We will learn how to become secure in our singleness by establishing an identity of purpose in self and Christ; and address the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of the single body and emerge into the universal body of Christ.
TOUCHING HEARTS BEREAVEMENT – The mission of the Touching Hearts Bereavement Ministry is to provide understanding and spiritual support to individuals and families in dealing with bereavement. Each person accepted into the group will have the opportunity to share and explore feelings, problems, solutions, and insights in a mutually supportive and respectful manner.
TRANSPORTATION – The Transportation Ministry provides city wide bus service for disciples and community to get to worship services at Zion Baptist Church in a safe and punctual manner.
USHERS – SENIOR – The Senior Usher Ministry strives to become the best doorkeepers in God’s House and to become landmarks to church goers who learn to depend upon us to bring an internal sense of welcome. ADULT (ages 18-45) AND YOUTH (ages 6-18) These Ministries prepare the Church for Sunday morning worship with worship guides, fans and envelopes for each service. We serve as greeters to the disciples and visitors entering Zion and seat worshippers before and during each service. We also assist in receiving the Church offering under the direction of Pastor or Minister in charge.